Swallowing. Ataxia diet #4

It might seem that how we eat does not matter much, but it does. Especially with ataxia. What we eat is very important. Swallowing problems are not uncommon in ataxia. But there is a lot you can do to help yourself. 1. Identify the foods and the type of food that is bad for your throat For many people these are either thin drinks (like water) or dry food (like a dry cake). In my case these are spices – pepper, chilli, or dry sprinkles – made of cinnamon, cocoa or powdered sugar. My mom had trouble eating cold food.

Fasting. Ataxia diet #3.

Fasting is said to be another fantastic health-enhancing thing. It is praised by healthy people, but this approach is also often used by people with various neurodegenerative diseases, including ataxians. Basically, there are several ways to do fasting. You can starve once a week and you can make eating windows in which you eat and a lot of time during the day is spent on not eating. I am not currently fasting, because I have an impression that there are many new things in my life and I don’t want to do everything at once. Fasting also has its own

My Keto Experience. Ataxia diet #2

Okay, so recently I decided to start my own keto diet and show off the result. I like the idea of ​​being on a strict keto only for a few days and once in a while when generally try to eat low-carb. I already have a lot of experience in this and we live in a time when it is easy to find various products. In my supermarket, for example, there are special bread and pasta that have a lot of protein and little carbohydrates. That’s why I bought a Keto diet kit for 6 days, but I can already

Ataxia Awareness

Do you know it was Ataxia Awareness Day a few days ago?I asked my friends to ask me about ataxia 🙂 And here you can see all my answers! Remember that these are my answers and that I have SCA1 and I have no idea how your ataxia looks like. That is why I can’t tell anything for sure. What is ataxia? Ataxia is a neurodegenerative and hereditary illness. I have no influence on it, I inherit it and it is. It’s encoded in my genes. This is not one bad gene, but a bad effect. We all have this

Low-carb. Ataxia diet #1

Since I found out that ok, maybe there is no cure for ataxia, but you can actually do a lot to stop it; I was wondering – ok, so… what to eat? Everyone says to eat healthy. But I eat healthy. Seriously. Lots of vegetables, lots of unprocessed products, good products, and stuff. And no one really said what to eat when you have ataxia. Ok. Some people cannot eat gluten, but only those with gluten ataxia. And those with gluten-free ataxia can eat gluten without resistance. And after some time I found the answer. What not to eat? Carbohydrate.

Chair Yoga

During the last NAF Conference I was able to try something called Chair Yoga. What is Chair Yoga? Chair Yoga is a specific form of yoga as therapy developed by Lakshmi Voelker-Binder in 1982, practised sitting on a chair, or standing using a chair for support. The poses are often adaptations of asanas in modern yoga as exercise. Wikipedia I really liked imitating the movements of the leader and even though I do not like yoga, I found these exercises easy and pleasant and I actually felt refreshed and energetically charged after such a session. As if I had spent

Treatment Plan

Since I got the diagnosis, I have made a few changes to help me deal with the impending difficulties. I suspect that each of us has our own plan to fight ataxia (no such plan is a plan too!). And while I normally approve of each of us’ s right to feel awful and free to decide for ourselves, I consider the lack of any preventive action to be stupid. I’m sorry. But since you are here and reading this blog, this is some step in becoming more familiar with ataxia. Maybe you are not ready to face it yet.

My COVID Vaccine Story

Since this is my blog, I decided to describe my own perspective on vaccines. I wrote about the relationship of COVID vaccines and ataxia earlier here: link; Two weeks ago, I had the opportunity to get vaccinated. The vaccine I got is made by Johnson & Johnson, and it’s called Janssen. It is the vaccine with the lowest effectiveness available, but it is the fastest. After just one week, it largely eliminates the chance to get severe Covid disease and is single-dose. It can be said that I already have it over my head and now all that remains is

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