Fasting. Ataxia diet #3.

Fasting is said to be another fantastic health-enhancing thing. It is praised by healthy people, but this approach is also often used by people with various neurodegenerative diseases, including ataxians. Basically, there are several ways to do fasting. You can starve once a week and you can make eating windows in which you eat and a lot of time during the day is spent on not eating. I am not currently fasting, because I have an impression that there are many new things in my life and I don’t want to do everything at once. Fasting also has its own

My Keto Experience. Ataxia diet #2

Okay, so recently I decided to start my own keto diet and show off the result. I like the idea of ​​being on a strict keto only for a few days and once in a while when generally try to eat low-carb. I already have a lot of experience in this and we live in a time when it is easy to find various products. In my supermarket, for example, there are special bread and pasta that have a lot of protein and little carbohydrates. That’s why I bought a Keto diet kit for 6 days, but I can already

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