Traveling with Ataxia

Ataxianka Trip! There are many different travel tips on the internet, but traveling with ataxia is slightly different. I will write about the most important things that came to my mind during my last trip and combine my tips with photos of beautiful views. 1. When and where The decision of where we are going and when is very important and you should take into account possible weather conditions and your abilities. For advanced ataxians, I won’t advise the Alps; my cousin with ataxia also tells me that it is difficult to walk on the sand with ataxia, and it

Chair Yoga

During the last NAF Conference I was able to try something called Chair Yoga. What is Chair Yoga? Chair Yoga is a specific form of yoga as therapy developed by Lakshmi Voelker-Binder in 1982, practised sitting on a chair, or standing using a chair for support. The poses are often adaptations of asanas in modern yoga as exercise. Wikipedia I really liked imitating the movements of the leader and even though I do not like yoga, I found these exercises easy and pleasant and I actually felt refreshed and energetically charged after such a session. As if I had spent

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