Okay, so recently I decided to start my own keto diet and show off the result. I like the idea of being on a strict keto only for a few days and once in a while when generally try to eat low-carb. I already have a lot of experience in this and we live in a time when it is easy to find various products. In my supermarket, for example, there are special bread and pasta that have a lot of protein and little carbohydrates. That’s why I bought a Keto diet kit for 6 days, but I can already
Since I found out that ok, maybe there is no cure for ataxia, but you can actually do a lot to stop it; I was wondering – ok, so… what to eat? Everyone says to eat healthy. But I eat healthy. Seriously. Lots of vegetables, lots of unprocessed products, good products, and stuff. And no one really said what to eat when you have ataxia. Ok. Some people cannot eat gluten, but only those with gluten ataxia. And those with gluten-free ataxia can eat gluten without resistance. And after some time I found the answer. What not to eat? Carbohydrate.
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